In Conversation with Ankita Gupta!

About Ankita Gupta:

Ankita was born in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh and raised among a joyous and reputed family. She was born with a silver spoon and is the most beloved person in the family. Being a lover of nature and spirituality, she admires reading spiritual and self-help books. She is a true follower of Omnism and keeps faith in all religions equally. She got married at an early age and blessed with two beautiful kids. Her passion for reading directed her to convert her thoughts into words. Sanguine about prospects of life, she always tries to make the best decisions in all situations. Her gleeful nature gives her the ability to entertain all her family and friends. With no pride, she loves helping needy people and she is very downtrodden without thinking of any consideration in return. So there she is, a selfless person.


LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content.

Ankita: Writing a book was like a dream for me and now my dream has come true. The book will show you the righteous way to live life peacefully. When you are totally shattered and have stopped seeking peace, the book will lit some light in your mind and soul. The quotations of this book will enlighten your mind.  The reason why I chose the book title, ‘By You For You’ is because whatever came into my mind was a god’s grace as I am no one. I remember the time when I was also out of peace and all the hopes to live my life vanished, it is then my almighty helped me to pen down my thoughts and feelings into words. No greed was involved by the time of writing and those thoughts changed me and my world. The book ‘By You For You’ will guide you to live life without the element of criticism.

Contents of this book are very soulful and worthy of creating a positive aura around you. When you will go through the book, you will realize whatever the phases are, you can handle your life patiently. At heart this book teaches you, whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Let it be, just go with the flow. You will be aware of the fact that alleging never works but changing yourself always works.


LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Ankita: I used the incidents that happened in my life as a boon for me. That became blessings for me and I turned all those worst events of my life into good luck. I started writing with no motive of publishing and this writing became my passion. Today I have my book in my hand and it gives me immense pleasure.

I have imbibed humane qualities from my parents. After knowing deeper meanings of GEETA and RAMANAYA, I realized these are the guidance to various sufferings which we face in our lives. These thoughts gave me the strength to keep myself tranquil in all hardships. I started having thoughts which could really help a person to bear all worldly problems. These thoughts inspired me to pen down my feelings. Publishing the book was the act of will for me.


LiFT: What do think about the literary world and what are your expectations from it?

Ankita: We all are influenced by the world around us, and have unique individual experiences that affect our personality. In the same way, a writer is influenced by his past when he writes. Gender, race and socioeconomic status also have a huge impact on his writing. Thus my expectations from this are more you know about it, the better you can understand it.

One thing that I truly believe is, if we really want to change the world, then intelligence and acceptance are keys and the literary world is the great platform for the change.


LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?

Ankita: However good the book is, it will not be a success until it does not get into the collective conscious of the public. This is why we need good book marketing tactics to back it up. I believe a useful and appropriate book marketing strategy is an essential key to the success of any book.


LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?

Ankita: This book is to inspire people who desire to find their true selves. This book is to bring in-lost hope, heal all wounds and be amazed by the power of forgiveness. Book will also teach you how to tackle daily tantrums of your life, which bring your mental health down. You will get very much closer to the act of self-realization.


LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Ankita: Yes writing is my passion and devotion to god. It gives me peace and ecstasy. Apart from writing, I am a home-maker, diligently working for my kids’ happiness and by teaching them the importance of being positive. I also work along various clubs which are working for NGOs and funds are collected for donation purposes. I also enjoy spending some time daily in meditation for my enlightenment.


LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Ankita: I usually practice yoga to keep myself calm and thoughts intact. I listen to all kinds of good music to keep myself grinning and joyful. I really love myself, so I love to spend a lot of time alone and last but most prime thing I would like to share, I am a lover of nature so whenever I face writer’s block, I love to stand beneath the sky, staring at stars which connect me with my positive thoughts.


LiFT: What if your story will be adopted as a movie? Whom would you want to work as a director or actors in it?

Ankita:  My book is a self-help book with small chapters of motivation with no characters in it. This book will inspire my readers to have faith in themselves as time heals everything. So I feel this question is not applicable to my book. According to my belief, we all are born as actors, where our whole life is a movie which is being directed by the almighty.


LiFT: What are your future plans?

Ankita: After making my dream come true, I want to achieve more success by writing more books. Apart from writing, I have plans for running my own N.G.O. I also have interests in apparel and jewelry designing. I have certain plans for working in this field too. These will be the accomplishments of my life. I have traveled to many parts of the world and want to travel more.


LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers so that they could improve their writing skills?

Ankita: My suggestions to the budding writers is that they should expose themselves to lots and lots of good books as those boos will not only inspire them but will also highly improve their writing skills and persona. There are no boundaries for writing, so don’t limit your thoughts. Write your heart and soul in your book as your writings reflect your true being.


Click here to get Ankita’s Book “By You, For You” from Amazon 



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