In Conversation With Shreya Chaudhary

About Shreya Chaudhary:

I am a 23 year old MBA student, an army brat and a book worm heart.
I love adventure and often times live vicariously through my novels and I always find new reasons to travel.
My dream is to one day visit all the places that intrigue me and write about them.


LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content.

Shreya: I started writing this book during my undergrad as a way to de-stress. And once I started, the story just kept flowing. Eventually I finished it and published it!


LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Shreya: For as long as I remember, I’ve wanted to be a writer. It’s been my primary hobby growing up and my parents have always encouraged it. I really enjoy reading, and the amazing authors I have experienced have been my inspiration. The first time I wrote an entire story out of the blue was for a class assignment.
I still remember my teacher was amazed at my writing skills and I was so proud. That was when I really wanted to be known as a writer.


LiFT: What do think about the literary world and what are your expectations from it?

Shreya: I don’t know, but I like to think that I will find like minded people here who will one encourage each other. Writers know that they write simply because they want to, and I hope that they recognize my passion for what it is and accept me for who I am.


LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?

Shreya: Anyone and everyone who loves writing always have that one half finished manuscript lying around, and they should finish it and get it published. Trust me as a writer, the happiness you feel is beyond this world.
One must always try to fulfil their wishes whenever they get a chance, no matter the age.


LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Shreya: I love painting, listening to music, travelling and obviously reading!
I have just started watercolor painting, its my new method for coping with stress. And as for music, I’ve always loved all types of genres and styles like pop, metal, rock, punk and even classical. Even though I have no talent in singing, I have a huge collection and my playlist is very popular amongst friends!


LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Shreya: I take a walk or catch up on tv shows. Basically, I try to forget that I have a writer’s block.
It helps me take a break from my line of thought and start again. Sometimes just listening to my favourite song also helps. Sounds, smells and taste can trigger memories and so I use them to remember a feeling that I need at the moment to write.


LiFT: What are your future plans?

Shreya: If this book does well I want to write and publish the next part of the series. I want to finish the story and maybe start a new one. I wasn’t kidding when I said that writing is addicting and once you get into it, its hard to stop. Maybe I will start a completely different series from the son of dharma, depends on where my thoughts take me!


Click here to get Shreya’s book from Amazon 




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