In Conversation with Vipin Malhotra

Vipin Malhotra

About Vipin Malhotra

Vipin Malhotra graduated in mathematics from Delhi University. After a long career in Finance, he switched over to publishing and worked in the editorial departments of some renowned global publishers for over a decade, creating textbooks for school students. Nowadays he spends his time researching and writing books and articles on mathematics and social topics.

LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content?

Vipin Malhotra: This book presents a compelling argument for a new kind of existence—one that transcends biological as well as mechanical boundaries. In a world where environmental degradation threatens our very survival, the author contends that hybrid humans, fuelled by both money and love, hold the key to our collective salvation. The book underscores the urgency of our environmental predicament. Earth’s delicate balance has been disrupted, and we stand at the precipice of irreversible damage. Rising sea levels and scorching heat waves are already wreaking havoc in various regions. Drawing an analogy with hybrid vehicles, the author introduces the concept of hybrid humans. These individuals operate on a dual fuel system—money and love. While money represents material prosperity, love serves as the greenest energy resource available to us. By embracing both, hybrid humans can navigate life sustainably. The author has offered some very practical suggestions to help those who want to try out love as a solution to bring peace in their personal lives as well as to protect our planet.

The author has challenged the prevailing cycle of prosperity—a cycle that often leads to loneliness, depression, and emotional emptiness. Instead, the author advocates for the “Love cycle”, a natural cycle that is instrumental for leading sustainable life on Earth. Love is the natural antidote to stress and tribulations of life, and it’s high time we start living a life more aligned with Nature by bringing back love in our lives. Love has the power to heal you from within and simultaneously help in reducing your carbon footprints on environment. The modern way of life has not only made us insensitive and unresponsive to tender feelings of love, but it has also brought the world to the brink of a holocaust due to climate change. The author makes a strong pitch for introduction of love education and a more comprehensive gender education.
The author holds that lack of love education in the society has led to
1. Loneliness and depression taking the shape of health epidemics the world over.
2. Increased incidents of suicides, violence, divorces, murders and mass killings.
3. Increase in carbon footprints due to increase in broken relationships and broken homes.
The author quotes extensively from latest news reports throughout the book to support his arguments and impress upon the readers how serious the issue of environment destruction is and what are the possible remedies that we can opt to save human life from becoming miserable in a few decades from now.

By prioritizing love, compassion, and interconnectedness, hybrid humans can create a positive ripple effect that extends beyond personal well-being. The book argues that stakes are very high and hybrid humans can mitigate the impending emotional, environmental, and economic catastrophes. Their actions can reshape the world, fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature.
Overall, this is a thought-provoking call to action. It invites readers to revaluate their priorities, embrace love as a force for change, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Whether you’re seeking personal transformation or global impact, this book offers insights that resonate deeply. Read it to discover how love can be our most potent catalyst for healing and renewal.

LiFT: Why you chose this title?

Vipin Malhotra: Since hybrid vehicles are commonly associated with environment friendliness, I decided to use this title to convey the message that environment friendly humans can similarly be called hybrid humans. Also, since hybrid vehicles move on double fuel, one of which is environment friendly, hybrid humans again fit in the description aptly as they are also driven by double fuel of money and love, out of which love is one of the most environment friendly energy available with humans.

LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Vipin Malhotra: I started writing when I faced a serious health issue and had to leave my job on doctor’s advice. I had ample time at my disposal while I was recuperating. I was reading newspapers daily in detail along with books of my choice. It was at this time when I came across a very disturbing newspaper story of a young school girl being physically and mentally abused by one of her male friends. The above incident made me realize that our education system had a serious lacuna in it as it was not teaching the young children how to approach the opposite gender. The clash of the eastern and western culture had left a huge gap in the education system, leaving the impressionable young generation clueless about what was wrong and what was right in inter-gender relations. In my book I have tried to logically explain why love is very important in life but lust leads to slow and painful death of love, thus leading to loneliness, depression, suicides, violence etc.

LiFT: Where do you see yourself ten years down the line in the world of literature?

Vipin Malhotra: It is not easy to change the lifestyle of a generation from easy looking extreme path to responsible middle path. So, I shall keep on coming up with subsequent editions of my book to make the readers aware that, as preached by the Buddha, the best path to lead your life is to follow the middle path. By adopting positive points from the eastern and western way of living, this goal is not difficult to achieve.

LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?

Vipin Malhotra: Marketing is absolutely necessary to make the readers aware that your book is available for reading. Without marketing, the book is as good as dead. Similarly good quality editing and printing is necessary to make the book readable. With poor quality editing, poor paper and printing quality, nobody would like to pick up the book from the bookshelf.

LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?

Vipin Malhotra: My message will always be to adopt nature friendly lifestyle to promote sustainable living in the spirit of ‘live and let live’.

LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Vipin Malhotra: I do freelance editing for school mathematics books.

LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Vipin Malhotra: I divert my attention to some other work and later on, after some time or some days, come back to writing with a fresh mind.

LiFT: Are you working on your next book? If yes, please tell us something about it.

Vipin Malhotra: Not yet. Maybe next year.

LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers/poets so that they could improve their writing skills?

Vipin Malhotra: Be passionate about your goal and have patience. Then only will you be able to look at it from all aspects and do full justice with it.

Click here to order Vipin Malhotra’s Book – ⁠⁠Hybrid Humans: Driven by Money and Love

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