About Seema Pradeep
Seema Pradeep is an author who has 5 books published in her name. Writing has been her hobby since childhood, and it grew with her as a passion. Two of her books are poetical anthologies, and two are short story collections. She loves to express emotions in the form of poetry. All her books have emotional themes that connect to every household and throw light on the realities of life. She is a logistician by profession and is living in Dubai, happily enjoying every moment to its fullest.
LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content.
Seema: I have always looked at mothers with respect and surprise. They amaze me every time. Being childless I felt that I am the best person to write about them and hence I thought of a poetry collage on every form of mother.
This book is my dedication to all the mothers out there.
This book is my dedication to all the souls that have longed to be a mother.
This book is a dedication to all the hearts that hold a mother’s love in them.
LiFT: Why you chose this title?
What else can justify the role of a mother!
She struggles till her last drop and she travels to all extents to get the best for her piece of soul.
LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?
Seema: It was a math project in school, and when i did not know what to do, I wrote a poem on the subject. It somehow clicked and that inspired me to write more on small things that I saw and observed. Ever since I have been writing poems and whatever I see around inspires me.
LiFT: Where do you see yourself ten years down the line in the world of literature?
Seema: I want to write books for children, like rhymes, short stories and even little novels, and I wish to get into schools where the young generation can read me.
LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?
Seema: The quality of the book is the first impression. So if you get that right, then the door is open. Marketing is like the soul which drives the book to reach its audience. And when both gets in place, that makes the book visible.
LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?
Seema: To get inspired in life. It doesn’t need big challenges and opportunities. But small things around us have so much to say and once we start observing and listening to them, be it people or things, life becomes much easy. I wish to spread empathy which is lacking in this modern world where everything is commercialised.
LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?
Seema: I am a logistician, which I love to the core. Have been in this industry for almost 13 years now. I love music and yes I love to talk and make friends.
LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?
Seema: I think of what has made me happy or sad, and then I get the drive to write.
Sometimes i just switch off, and a little sleep, a talk with someone or even cooking helps.
LiFT: Are you working on your next book? If yes, please tell us something about it.
Seema: Yes, it is a novel. As what suits me, it will have family, emotions and a little bit of suspense. I just began and I already see a couple of twists and curiosities inside me.
LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers/poets so that they could improve their writing skills?
Seema: As I always tell, writing will work only if it becomes a passion. Otherwise it will lack life. So feel everything around, just reading or watching a movie will not help. But there should be a full on commitment and desire to bring out the best so that the audience gets connected to the author. Write what you feel and let that feeling come from within. And when it comes from deep inside then it travels faster.
Click here to order Seema Pradeep’s Book – Till the Last Drop