In Conversation with Nishtha Tiwari

Nishtha Tiwari

About Nishtha Tiwari

Ms. Nishtha hails from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. She has done her graduation in mechanical engineering from SRM University, Chennai. She is interested in multiple things like dance, music, science related subjects and writing. Over the years she has developed admiration for English, Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit languages. She wishes to contribute to the world of literature in the aforementioned languages. She believes that if one is gifted with the talent of writing, then it comes upon him or her as a responsibility to produce enough creative content for the generations to come. She writes with a sense of duty and love for culture, and seeks to empower the voiceless with her pieces of work.

LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content.

Nishtha: Dil-e-Gamzadaa is an addition to the treasure trove of Urdu Poetry. It is a collection of Shai’rii from the hearts of bereft lovers. It has repentance, shame, guilt, allegations, love, faith, infidelity, devotion and all that can be in a tragic love story. Every Shai’rii is independent but still it will maintain continuation of the similar feelings throughout the book. This will keep the reader occupied. The poise of Urdu language is reflected in every line and in every couplet.

I started writing this in the year 2018. The exposure to Urdu poetry, Sufi songs and introduction to the poets like Jaun Elia, Gulzar Sahab, Javed Akhtar and their noteworthy contribution in the field of literature and music was enough to develop admiration for these people.

Truthfully, I haven’t read any book by these famous poets. I have only listened to their shows or songs. I picked up from there and started creating my own poetic world. I imagined myself in different scenarios, kept myself in other’s shoes to go to the extent of embracing that pain and loss of a loved one. Rest is all talent and consistency, by God’s grace.

Everything fell in its place, and gradually my language improved. My father got me an Urdu-Hindi dictionary as well. I kept rewriting the lines and correcting myself while compiling and typing the script. It was all worth it for me and it will be nothing less than a gem for the readers.

LiFT: Why you chose this title?

Nishtha: The title ‘Dil-e-Gamzadaa’ encompasses all the layers of emotions and different shades of love that the book holds in its pages. The title does justice to the genre and sentimentality explored by the poetess through broken hearts. There could not be a more fitting title.

LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Nishtha: I felt difficulty conveying my thoughts and putting my feelings into words. As a teenager I was confused most of the times and no one seemed to get me and my problems. This led to anger, anxiety and frustration. There was a need to control my thoughts and align my actions. Poetry then came naturally to me. Around the age age of 17, I started with English poems and later switched to Hindi.

During my college years I was exposed to the richness and fineness of the sophisticated Urdu language and it fascinated me. My grip on this language gave me enough confidence to slowly move towards Urdu Shai’rii and Nazm, and thus publish my first book.

LiFT: Where do you see yourself ten years down the line in the world of literature?

Nishtha: I, honestly, don’t imagine myself among the best selling authors but I certainly want to see myself among the most respected and valued writers. Ten years down the line, I want myself to be known for my spotless work by the state and the Indian audience.

LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?

Nishtha: Without good marketing, the hard work and feelings behind a book will rust away lying in some shelf of a book store. And, without quality content, marketing alone cannot increase the number of its readers or ratings. These two things together are must to guarantee author’s success. Marketing will help readers come across premium quality books which are also worth buying. You cannot promote a book which has less to offer and doesn’t do any justice to its market price.

LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?

Nishtha: The message that I want to spread among common folks is that every language is beautiful when you use just the right words for expression. India has diversity within diversity. There are so many dialects and languages, their old and new versions. Instead of creating divisions and friction because of regionalism and sense of superiority, we should learn one another’s languages, understand what they have to offer and make the best use of this treasure.

LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Nishtha: I do classical dance (Kathak). I am still learning under Guru Anjana Didi. I have interest in political and social issues. I, along with my other two friends, run a podcast named ‘LATITUDE’ on Spotify and YouTube. Meanwhile I am also preparing for higher studies in the field of engineering.

LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Nishtha: I read relatable books, listen to relatable songs and watch relatable shows. Creative writing cannot be forced. So, I take enough time to instinctively and spontaneously come up with something suitable. Engaging myself in other activities creates space for new ideas.

LiFT: Are you working on your next book? If yes, please tell us something about it.

Nishtha: No, I am not working on any new book for now. But one thing that I can tell you about my next book is that it will be a collection of long poems/verses in Hindi.

LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers/poets so that they could improve their writing skills?

Nishtha: Use dictionary to find better alternatives for regular words. People read books to learn the language and such books that use sentences differently than usual always occupy their minds. There is always a a more suitable way of making conversations or writing down your feelings.

Click here to order Nishtha’s Book – Dil-e-Gamzadaa

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