In Conversation with Sunitha Vijayanarayan

Sunitha Vijayanarayan

About Sunitha Vijayanarayan

Sunitha Vijayanarayan is a thinker, avid reader, dreamer and an accidental poet. She likes to write about anything that catches her fancy from a differently colored cloud to AI affecting our life. She considers poetry as a way of expressing her deepest feelings and a platform to share views on topics relevant to women.

LiFT: Tell us about the theme of the anthology and how did you get to know about it?

Sunitha Vijayanarayan: The theme of this anthology is “Threads of Words”. It symbolizes how words can come together in beautiful threads to weave a story or a poem. I came across the LiFT Magazine website while browsing for poetry contests and the theme intrigued me to submit a couple of poems.

LiFT: What inspired you to write for this particular anthology?

Sunitha Vijayanarayan: The theme , “Threads of Words” was at once very interesting, yet open to poetic liberty to interpret in many different ways. Just like threads could be used to weave different types of garments – quilts, sarees, dresses, t-shirts, these threads of words could combine into beautiful pieces of art and I was inspired.

LiFT: Where do you see yourself ten years down the line in the world of literature?

Sunitha Vijayanarayan: To be frank, I haven’t thought that far, but writing is my passion and regardless of how many years pass by, I want to be able to enjoy writing and reading.

LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Sunitha Vijayanarayan: Apart from writing poetry and the occasional blog or story, I work as a Software Architect at Thomson Reuters. I also love reading, listening to music and travelling with my family.

LiFT: Are you working on your own book? If yes, please tell us something about it.

Sunitha Vijayanarayan: I restarted my poetry writing last year after a long break, and started using my Instagram handle @sunisverse as a landing space for all my poetic ramblings .While it is my dream to publish my own book of poems some day, there is nothing in the works as of now.

LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers/poets so that they could improve their writing skills?

Sunitha Vijayanarayan: My suggestion to budding poets would be to read, read and read more poetry. There are so many places you can read poetry online these days, and reading gives you fresh perspectives and enriches your writing like never before. Joining poetry communities online and taking up prompt challenges are some of the other things that helped me as a poet.

Click here to order the book ‘Threads of Words’

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