In Conversation with Rummana A and Sharvari B

Rummana A and Sharvari B

About Rummana A and Sharvari B

We are an author duo, Rummana and Sharvari.

Both of us have been friends since audio cassettes were just out and CD players were in.

Work brought us together and gossip kept us together.

Life ensued, conversations pursued.

As most of us stumble through life, we’ve all come across these questions at some point and everyone has their own answers..

A realization that day to day conversations were actually not mundane or boring; lead us to think that maybe a book or two out of it might be worthwhile.

Readers might find a little bit of them in either one of us! Their life might resound in our conversations…

LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content.

Rummana A and Sharvari B: The journey was a combination of a lot of things. It was exciting, fun and filled with a lot of self realization as well as knowing each other more than we already do.
It was a milestone birthday that kicked everything off…a lot of middle aged changes and realisations…and documenting it just seemed like the thing to do. We weren’t going through anything new, but our thoughts and our talks suddenly seemed a lot more introspective and even grim. Having a friend to go through it with really, really helped and our book hopefully makes it easier like that for others too.

LiFT: Why you chose this title?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Somehow I think there was fairly less debate about this title. We felt like we were literally at the halfway point in our lives and it seemed apt enough for the book.

LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Writing started in the form of short articles, some poetry, some musings – till we realized we had more than just that in us.
We had a lot to express and what better medium
Than books.

LiFT: Where do you see yourself ten years down the line in the world of literature?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: We did not plan literature as something we would pursue. We felt we had something to pen down and our books evolved.
If the future has more inspiration in store for us, for sure there will be more books.

LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Marketing helps a book reach its readers. One cannot read what one doesn’t know about.
Hence marketing is as important, if not more, than the quality of a book, for the book to do well.

LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Never hesitate to pick up a book. And if you don’t like it, don’t be forced to finish it.

LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: We both work in the mundane field of software.

LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Pick up a good book and read!
There was no time constraints for our books, hence if we faced a block we just put our pens down (figuratively ofcourse) till we were ready again.

LiFT: Are you working on your next book? If yes, please tell us something about it.

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Nothing in the pipeline as of now. But one doesn’t know when inspiration strikes.

LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers/poets so that they could improve their writing skills?

Rummana A and Sharvari B: Our books spill out our personalities and that is the only form of writing we know.
Our advice to readers – be true to your words. Don’t be scared to have the paper mirror you!

Click here to order Rummana A & Sharvari B’s Book – Halfway Point

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