In Conversation With Nikhat Shaikh

About Nikhat: 

Nikhat is just a normal human who feels a lot and just want to be happy. She is a reader and have a YouTube channel named Nikhat’s Booktube. She finds writing really therapeutic. It heals her and that’s why she is a writer too. And she is really very conscious about mental health because she knows how it feels when someone has mental issues. And she loves to keep things real, Authentic.


LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content.

Nikhat: The book is a collection of modern poetry based on love, anxiety, depression, break-down, healing and self-love. Honestly, I didn’t thought that I’ll publish the book in the start but then it happened so it was all a surprise.


LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Nikhat: Since childhood I always loved the world of stories and fairytales and I always wanted to write about my own world which I’m still working on. I also got into modern poetries and so this book came into existence.
Talking about the inspiration, for me, as a reader, it is reading itself. Books seem to understand you a lot better than humans.


LiFT: What do think about the literary world and what are your expectations from it?

Nikhat: The literary world is beautiful. I don’t know what the world might have looked without it.
I just expect it to be more understanding and I just hope it never gets corrupted. Sometimes for budding authors it becomes tough especially for those who don’t have a big audience and then they had to struggle a lot. And nobody works for free and so for everything one had to work really hard.


LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?

Nikhat: The book must be of good quality. That’s important. I’m not saying it should be perfect but it should have good pages, strong spine, precise printing. Because people gonna read it and it shouldn’t hurt their eyes right? And they must not think that it’s a waste of money. Ofcourse everything depends on the quality of book. We need to have quality of work too. And that makes it a good read. Both things are important.

LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?

Nikhat: Based on my book – The Celestial Darkness, my message is that we all go through some tough times. And sometimes it just breaks us and we fail to find a way out. And when it comes to a person who already have mental health issues, it’s a lot cruel phase for us. I feel like at that moment nobody truly understands what it is actually. I wish that every human who will read my book can connect to it and know that they are not alone in their suffering. I just want them to know that they are tougher than the tough situation they are in today and that it’ll pass, turning them into a more beautiful soul than before.


LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Nikhat: Apart from writing, I love making my YouTube videos. As for my mental health I do read articles related to it. I like to do gardening as well, the greenery just soothes. Reading is something I always do, that’s the reason my channel Nikhat’s Booktube exist. Sometimes, I too, suffer from reading slumps and so I turn to songs and the playlist is really long so I’m not sharing.


LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Nikhat: Writers block is really Scary. I have experiences. Sometimes I cried because I wanted to write but I just couldn’t and that particular thing still terrifies me.
To cope with that – 1st thing when dealing with writer’s block is don’t force yourself to write. That’s cruel.
2nd thing – indulge yourself into your other hobbies. It can be anything. Mine are a lot including yoga, gardening, music etc.
3rd thing – when in peace, look at your old writings. It can make you nostalgic and it might make you want to write again. It works for me. Hope it’ll work for you too.


LiFT: What are your future plans?

Nikhat: In simple words my future plans include writing and teaching. And I want to continue to learn and grow. Writing is something that I’m never stopping now. I still have a lot of dreams to fulfill on my own and there’s a lot that I fulfilled and I’m grateful for everything.
PS: my future plans also includes loving myself more.


LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers so that they could improve their writing skills?

Nikhat: For budding authors I’ll say improve your writing skill but don’t change the way you write, I mean your writing style. Keep it authentic. Keep it yours. To improve your writing skills there’s stuff out there like writing workshop, creative writing courses, etc. You won’t find improvement all of a sudden. Writing takes time. And writing is a process. Work on the small things it’ll make big difference. Have patience.


You Can Buy Nikhat’s Book “The Celestial Darkness”



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