In Conversation with Charul Agrawal

Charul Agrawal

About Charul Agrawal

Charul Agrawal 23 years old girl belongs to a small town Harda (M.P). With the ability to think rationally she is strong and capable enough to handle different situations and challenges of life in a smooth manner. With the good observational and Positive attitude, she always stands powerful in life. No doubt inspite of numerous ups and downs in life she managed to excel in different fields in life and is willing to achieve much more throughout her journey of life ahead.

LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content.

Charul: The book Anecdotes on Day to Day Affairs is a book which is based on the real life experiences of authors life only place and name has been altered.
Through this book I want my readers to look the situations in a divert way and try to understand different faces of the challenges arise in the journey of life also looking the problems as challenges make the work easy. Although the book never suggests applying the same theory as suggested by me but it being the way one can go for as every situation has a different impact on life of different people. Talking about my journey of writing since childhood I am found of writing or to copy catchy lines from magazines, newspaper, story books. But the real phase as a writer started at the age of 21 I realised that the writing being my cozy and happy place I write what I feel it always being my true feelings of the moment. Content of the is created in the easiest language possible and can be read by all group of people above the age 12 years. With this book I am willing to change the mindset of society in a right direction even if one percent change is seen in the life of people after reading my book, I am honoured to create the same.
Looking forward to see my book in your bookshelf and coming up with many more…. 😀

LiFT: Why you chose this title?

Charul: Idea behind choosing this title Anecdotes on Day to Day Affairs is to make it simple. Secondly it contains the small stories which is symbolised by the word ANECDOTE also it content the situation which people face in daily routine while either in personal or professional life which is indicated by the other part of the title.

LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Charul: Writing things always being the part of my life since childhood either in the form of four lines or stories but indulge in studies that packed my passion for writing deep down in the bucket. But as said passion never die it pop-up again during COVID. To bring the change in society and minimise the breakout in relation always being my inspiration and motivation to complete my very first book.

LiFT: Where do you see yourself ten years down the line in the world of literature?

Charul: I never want to stop my pen and occupy a space in the list of well known writers specially in the genre of non-fiction. Willing to known for my write-ups and by my write-ups also looking forward to attend events of writers, hoping to excel in the poetry writing as well. Looking forward to see many more certificates and awards in myself in regard of the same along with all these achievements in the field of literature I always wanted to be kindhearted and down to earth.

LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?

Charul: No doubt, quality and marketing has a great impact on any book as it increases the reach of book and make others to know the books in market specially for the new writers like me. Quality of book attract the readers towards the book and encourage them to read but nevertheless it’s being the content which carries more weightage in the success of any book. Although both marketing and quality along with content goes hand in hand for any book.

LiFT: What is the message you want to spread among folks with your writings?

Charul: The foremost message is to see problems either in personal or professional life as a challenge of life.
Secondly, always have a thought of different aspect whenever a hurdle arise in the relations instead of taking steps or declaring any sought of decision on an instant basis. Relations are precious need to be preserved with utmost important. Anger, ego, fight and money should be kept apart from relations.

Looking forward to see change in society….

LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Charul: I am in the final stage in the course of Companies secretary Of India also pursuing the course of LLB honours. Work as a content creator and freelancer also co-authored other articles in different books and magazine.

LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Charul: One or the other time writers face the clog in writing while creating any content. I adopt the habit of reading, never lose confidence, sit with my pen paper for hours and think on the concept rationally. Not only this I try to serve google or videos related to the work just to develop the ideas also sometimes I just take a walk and sit along close to environment in a peaceful situation to enhance my skills and always say to myself no matter what Charul can do it.

LiFT: What if your story will be adopted as a movie? Whom would you want to work as a director or actors in it?

Charul: As of now I have not thought of the same but always wanted to work with Avinash Seth a YouTuber as director.

LiFT: Are you working on your next book? If yes, please tell us something about it.

Charul: Yes, already started working on my next book it is related to poems in that case it will be a poet book with genre- love it is coming up in a mixed language that is both Hindi and English.

LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers/poets so that they could improve their writing skills?

Charul: The budding writers should never loose their patience and confidence as good things take time and shine with flying colours if done with honesty and with good intention. No doubt writers should keep a watch on the words used in their content so that don’t have negative impact on society.
Every writer should be affair of the power of words also google and watching movies, series regarding the content one is working on it helps in developing ideas and creativity also vocabulary.
Also always appreciate your work and take little steps to achieve big in life.

Click here to order Charul’s Book – Anecdotes on Day to Day Affairs

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