In Conversation with Ambit Vitin

Ambit Vitin

About Ambit Vitin

Ambit is an ardent cinema enthusiast and devotes much of his time to watching films and engaging in related discussions. Many of his friends assert that he possesses a remarkable talent for crafting stories spontaneously. Despite having a full blown career in the IT sector, his true passion has always been writing. He prides himself on his ability to introduce unexpected twists in his narratives, transforming them into thriller roller coaster-rides for his readers. With his debut book, Tales of a Byzantine soul, he aspires to precisely deliver that experience.

LiFT: Tell us about your book, the journey of writing it and its content?

Ambit Vitin: Hmmm…Honestly, I never intended to write a collection of short stories at first. My original goal was to create a full-length thriller that would keep readers on the edge of their seats. I began working on a story titled _The L-Shaped Knife_ with that exact purpose in mind. However, I soon fell into the infamous writer’s block, and the story stalled. That’s when I thought—why not craft a series of short stories that could offer readers a similar thrill? My only objective was to ensure that none of the stories would be predictable. Well, this approach proved to be successful, as reflected in the positive feedback I received after the launch.

It was indeed an intriguing journey to develop these 10 stories and make each one as unpredictable as possible.

LiFT: Why you chose this title?

Ambit Vitin: I’ve been asked this question quite a few times. I’ve always been drawn to stories that delve into the darker aspects of the human mind. Even people around us, whom we claim to know in and out, can exhibit these complex, hidden sides that we may never fully understand. That’s what inspired me to explore this genre.

As for the title, the Byzantine Empire’s complexity fascinated me, so I decided to add that unique essence into the title.

LiFT: When did you realize that you want to be a writer and what’s your inspiration behind it?

Ambit Vitin: Since childhood, I’ve always been drawn to books and had a knack for coming up with stories quickly—at least, that’s what my friends would often say. To hone my skills, I started working as a content writer, but I soon realized that content writing is quite different from creative writing.

As a true cinephile, my ultimate goal has always been to become a well-known scriptwriter. Even though my current work is in a different field, I’m determined to achieve that goal, with my first book being a crucial stepping stone.

The real reason I was able to write this book is my sister, Teena. She has been the key driving force behind this accomplishment. My first published story, which appeared in an anthology, was actually inspired by a small incident she shared with me. When I hit a tough writer’s block after signing a contract with a publishing company, she didn’t pressure me to write. Instead, she created a space for me to jot down anything that came to mind, and that’s when the stories started flowing, leading to the completion of the book.

As they say, having a selfless motivator in your life is essential to getting things done as planned, especially when you hit a roadblock.

LiFT: Where do you see yourself ten years down the line in the world of literature?

Ambit Vitin: If you had asked me this question a year ago, I would have said I wanted to be a scriptwriter in the film industry. That’s still true, but now I’d also like to become a renowned author.

As a passionate admirer of Agatha Christie and M.T. Vasudevan Nair, I aspire to write stories across multiple genres and establish my name in the literary world.

LiFT: How much do you think marketing or quality of a book is necessary to promote a particular book and increase its readers?

Ambit Vitin: I’d say both are essential when it comes to promoting a book and increasing its readership.

Quality is fundamental because it determines whether readers will connect with the story, enjoy the writing, and ultimately recommend it to others. A well-crafted book with engaging content, strong characters, and a compelling plot is all that it takes to build a loyal reader base, and enjoy long-term success.

Marketing plays a critical role in getting the book noticed in the first place. With so many books published every year, effective marketing helps a book stand out, reach potential readers, and generate the desired buzz. Online promotions and social media engagement ensure that the book gets into the hands of readers who might not have discovered it otherwise. Word of mouth plays a secondary role here.

LiFT: What do you do apart from writing?

Ambit Vitin: I spend a lot of time watching movies, regardless of the language or genre—I’m always eager to explore different styles and narratives. I’m also an avid reader, constantly dive into books across various genres to keep my imagination and creativity flowing.

Additionally, I’m part of the management in an IT firm, which keeps me busy most of the time. Balancing these activities with my writing helps me stay inspired and brings a unique perspective to my work.

LiFT: What are the activities you resort to when you face a writer’s block?

Ambit Vitin: Even though I’m just starting out as an author with one book out, I’ve already learned that writer’s block is something you’ll definitely face. My advice? Change up your thinking when it happens. Like I mentioned before, I originally planned to write one full-length story, but then I switched gears and ended up with ten short stories instead. Don’t push too hard—just let the ideas come naturally.

LiFT: Are you working on your next book? If yes, please tell us something about it.

Ambit Vitin: Absolutely! I’m planning to write a full-on feel good love story that breaks away from all the usual storytelling norms. I also want to keep it as unpredictable as possible.

LiFT: What are your suggestions to the budding writers/poets so that they could improve their writing skills?

Ambit Vitin: Read as much as you can. Just dive into books and absorb different styles. And don’t hesitate to jot down whatever pops into your head—don’t wait for the perfect moment to start writing. Also, make sure to be your own toughest critic.

Click here to order Ambit Vitin’s Book – Tales of a Byzantine Soul

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