The Fictional Dots

Instructions and Submission Process for Participation in ‘The Fictional Dots’:

1Your Poem/Short Story should justify the title of the book.

2. The Poem/Short Story must be written in English and Multiple entries are allowed.

3. A Poem should not exceed the limit of 20 lines and a Short Story should not be of more than 2000 words.

4. Mail us your entry to ( along with the Poet’s/Author’s Bio in third person (including your complete address with pin code and contact number).

Click Here to Read How to write a perfect Author Bio

5. You have to type your entry in an Ms Office Word File in Times New Roman Font, 12 Font Size. Below your entry type your four liner Poet’s/Author’s Bio (in third person). Complete address with pin code and contact number should be typed in the body of the email. Subject of the email should be the Title of your Poem/Short Story.

6. Submissions will be accepted till 10th August 2024.

7. Our team will review your entry and shall mail you back any time before the last date of submission. If you don’t hear from us by the last date of submission, consider your entry is rejected.

8. After the selection of your work, we will send you the account details where you will have to deposit/transfer the publishing fees. ₹1,000 will be charged per Poem and ₹2,000 will be charged per Short Story. This is only the cost; we are not here to earn profits.

9. We will publish your work and send the complimentary copy of the anthology to you as a royalty and an e-certificate of your contribution to the anthology will be sent to you over an email.

10. An Exclusive Interview of each participant will be published on our official website at the following link: 

Click Here to Read The Benefits of Participating in an Anthology

Why pay?

→ The publisher needs to incur expenses in designing and publishing the book and providing the free copies to the participants.

→ We use the participation fees in getting your script proofread by a professional editor to ensure it to be error free.

→ We share the marketing tips and give you the insights of the publishing industry throughout the publishing process.


  • Your entry should not be copied and hence any copied or pre-published work (published in form of a book) will not be selected.
  • While your work is under review, you cannot share the same work with any other publishing house or in any other contest (doing so may lead to cancellation of your entry/proposal for this contest).
  • You will have the full copyright over your work and you are allowed to Publish the same in multiple platforms.
  • Upon selection and if the payment has been made, you cannot back out from the contest (fees will not be refunded if you do so).
  • There will be no royalties paid whatsoever as this contest has been organised to provide you a platform and hence the publisher do not aim any profits from the same.
  • For more queries, you can contact us on OR WhatsApp on +91-9999212301.

Best Wishes!

Offer Expired: Author's Interview (August' 2018)

As we successfully complete 2 years anniversary and in return we are ‘Interviewing’ selected authors on our platform at no cost.

It would be great to interview & feature authors, their talent and know more about them and their book. 

You just have to fill up the following form and we’ll connect with you for any further queries or once the interview is uploaded.

Click here:

We are looking forward to work with you!
For more information, kindly visit our website:

Team LiFT

P.S. Do not forget to share this with someone who might be interested in it.

Contest Expired: Let's Do Things Together! Celebrating 2 years! - August Writing Contest

Inviting entries from all the writers.

Selected write-ups will be published in our E-Magazine.

Interested ones may submit their entries according to the following guidelines: 

Send us your Write-Ups, Short Stories, 
Articles, or Art Work, etc.
Theme: Open
Word Limit: 500 maximum
Deadline: August 10th, 2018

Happy Writing & Best Wishes!


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