Rs. 1,000
2 Book Reviews
Estimated Reach: 2000 Readers.
Rs. 2,000
2 Book Reviews
Author Interview on our Website
Estimated Reach: 4000 Readers.
Rs. 4,000
4 Book Reviews
Author Interview on our Website
Book Giveaway Contest
Estimated Reach: 8000 Readers.
Rs. 5,000
4 Book Reviews
1 Video Review
Author Interview on our Website
Book Giveaway Contest
Estimated Reach: 10,000 Readers.
Rs. 7,000
6 Book Reviews
1 Video Review
Author Interview on our Website
Book Giveaway Contest
Book Banner on our Website
Estimated Reach: 14,000 Readers.
Rs. 8,000
6 Book Reviews
1 Video Review
Author Interview on our Website
Book Giveaway Contest
Book Banner on our Website
Libraries & Cafe Book Display
Estimated Reach: 16,000 Readers.
Rs. 12,000
8 Book Reviews
1 Video Review
Author Interview on our website
Book Giveaway Contest
Book Banner on our Website
Libraries & Cafe Book Display
Bookmarks Printing & Distribution
Estimated Reach: 24,000 Readers.
Rs. 18,000
8 Book Reviews
1 Video Review
Author Interview on our Website
Book Giveaway Contest
Book Banner on our Website
Libraries & Cafe Book Display
Bookmarks Printing & Distribution
Author Website Development
Estimated Reach: 36,000 Readers.
Rs. 27,000
10 Book Reviews
1 Video Review
Author Interview on our Website
Book Giveaway Contest
Book Banner on our Website
Libraries & Cafe Book Display
Bookmarks Printing & Distribution
Author Website Development
Video Trailer of Book
Estimated Reach: 54,000 Readers.
We would love to serve you at our best.
If you wish to customize your marketing plan according to your requirements you can contact us.
Fill up the form in the Contact page along with your E-mail id and Mobile number.
We will contact you.

Package Timeline and Important Details:

  • We will buy your book so that it leads to better ranking and adds up to the organic sales. Book cost should not exceed Rs. 250 (M.R.P. + Shipping), else additional charges have to be paid by the Author.
  • The Reviews will be posted on: Amazon, Goodreads, and Reviewers’ Social Media Handles or Blog (if available) & will be shared on our Social Media Handles.
  • The Books shall be ordered within 3 days from the date of package subscription and the reviews shall be posted within 2-3 weeks from the date of book delivery.
  • Author Interview shall be posted on our website within 7 days from the date of package subscription.
  • For Earth or Higher Packages, the giveaway will be organized from our end on our Social Media handles. However, sending the books to giveaway winners will be the Author’s responsibility at his/ her expenses. The Author can decide the number of winners to be declared.
  • Book Giveaway Contest will be organised within 2 weeks from the date of package subscription.
  • Book Banner will stay on our website for 2 months from the date of posting.
  • We have tie-up with 3 book cafes in Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Maharashtra as of now. Your books will be sent to these cafes within a month from the date of Package Subscription. You must provide us the copies for display.
  • Bookmarks (1,000 QTY) shall be printed within 3 weeks from the date of package subscription and will be distributed among various readers and book reviewers.
  • Author website will be developed on WordPress platform and will be delivered to you within 1 month from the date of package subscription. The cost of Domain, SSL and Hosting has to be paid by you. We will give you website support for 1 year after the date of delivery.
  • Video Trailer will be delivered to you within 1 month from the date of package subscription.

Let world know more about you & your book!

Contact us

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